Friday, September 14, 2012

In which titles don't exist

Good news, everyone! (As you can tell, I'm watching Futurama) I don't know what to write again today!

So, the week is finally OVER!! YAYAYAY! I CAN SLEEP NOW!!! IT SHALL BE WONDERFUL!! Though I do have to get up early on sunday for my kennywood escapades with Akipo and Sarahpo (no more obnoxious hyperlinking). Keep in mind, early for me is not necessarily early for everyone. I think early is like 10:30. But I have to get up at like 8:30-9 on sunday, as I'm supposed to be at Sarahpo's at 9:30. Ooohh now I may not even be free tomorrow! We may be having a go-kart/rocket meeting tomorrow. OHMYNONEXISTENTGODS GUYSIES I MAY HAVE A COMPLETE SOCIAL LIFE THIS WEEKEND WHOA. New record! Anyway, I don't really know what to write right (lol) now. Guess what I'm doing right now? Reading my old Facebook chats with Sarahpo. WE ARE SO WEIRD SARAHPO!!! WE HAVE SO MUCH A.D.D! Anyway, BOREDOM. Tomorrow I will definitely post a post with a topic! That topic will be a surprise (even though I already know what it is, hehehe the perks of being the blog author). Oh, and guess what I haven't done in the last few entries? Complained about speech! I've been having more self control, or something.

Remember, beanies are stupid.
