Friday, September 21, 2012

3...And the countdown begins

Hello my lovely children of the internets (that's never going to go away you know)! First off, why don't we start with some news?

Today was school, in which something happened that I will get to later. But, class-wise, it was okay. Started with PE, in which we played volleyball. I AM REALLY REALLY BAD AT VOLLEYBALL. Also, the teacher is teaching us things that are just plain wrong. For example, the way you bump is NOT by pulling one of your hands into the most awkward position ever, even though he seems to think it is. And, as far as I know, and I could be wrong about this, setters DO NOT stand with their backs to the net. That would just be weird. Anyway, that was PE. I hate it. Then came SPEECH. We all know my feelings about that class. Today wasn't bad. I thought I was doing my demo speech (which I was supposed to do both wednesday and thursday, both of which days I did not for different reasons), but I didn't have to. I am apparently going next tuesday, with an entire double free to mentally prepare myself in, which is wonderful. Anyway, after speech came math, in which we did nothing. Then came history, in which we learned about stuff that happened in the past. Also in that class Mathieu, Erika, and I discussed over Skype (while we were supposed to be paying attention lawlz) the terms for the thing I shall talk about after I finish with my "news." Then came Chemistry. I love that class. Mr. Marx is fucking crazy. Also, I got my test back. I got a 31/32. GOOD GRADES FTW! Then came lunch, in which Noah, Rohun, and I were on the Terrace (Pronounced tar-us). Also at lunch Mathieu and Erika wrote up the terms for this vague thing I have been alluding to, and we also signed them. Then came Spanish, in which nothing really happened. I watched Alberto play Canvas Rider, looked through the APOD Archive (in which I found my new desktop background. TWO GALAXIES COLLIDING), and I also classified a few galaxies on Galaxy Zoo. Then, last period, was a free. I didn't really do anything during this free. It was basically me watching Mathieu and Rohun play stupid video games.

Anyway, now to be more specific about what I have been alluding to. Some of you may be wondering "What's up with the title?" I shall tell you what's up with the title, but first, a little background. So, on wednesday A week, Noah, Erika, and I all have a free third period. Noah decided to play Minecraft, which is a stupid game that has no point. Erika and I said that we both think that he could not go for two weeks without playing it. It was pretty much just an opinion that we both share, and I never really expected anything to come out of it. But, did something come out of it? YES! Somehow I got tangled up in this web of bets. Noah has to go two weeks without playing minecraft, or watching minecraft related videos. Mathieu has to go two weeks without playing minecraft or going on Reddit. Erika has to go two weeks without drawing. Emma has to go two weeks without video games. And, finally, I, yes I, have to go two weeks without blogging. So, as this starts on Monday, I have three days left until I will not talk to any of you until October 6th. There are punishments too! But, the weird thing is we're on "teams" and if one person from the team breaks, EVERYONE ON THE TEAM HAS TO DO THEIR PUNISHMENT. The teams are Noah and Mathieu, against Me, Erika, and Emma (Wait, why did I get the all girls team?). Noah's punishment is that, if he breaks, he has to take two of his meds and let us film him (he acts high and it's HILARIOUS), and he has to wear suits to school for a week. Mathieu's punishment is that he has to go to semi-formal, and let us film him saying "Girl, your hair is GORGEOUS!" (which is funny), Erika's punishment is Mathieu and Noah get to poke her five times so she squeeks, and they get to pick what she wears for a week. Emma's punishment is probably the easiest, Mathieu gets five chances to poke her so she collapses (long story), and she has to share her food. My punishment is EVIL. If either me, Erika, or Emma break, I HAVE TO GO TO FUCKING SEMI-FORMAL. WHY!?!?!?!?!? If any of them break, I will KILL THEM. If I do end up having to go, I'm going to be a FUCKING REBEL. I'm going to go in SWEATS AND A T-SHIRT. WINZ.

Anyway, wish me luck! I shall stop talking on Sunday night. But before then, I will probably talk more than ever before! JKHADKJASDH


  1. Many things:
    1. I am coming to your PE class and teaching you how to play volleyball properly
    2. Good luck with the bet
    3. What is the point of the teams?

    1. 1. PLEASE DO
      2. Thanks! I know I can do it, it's the team thing I'm worried about
