Thursday, January 3, 2013

A female Doctor

No, not a female medical person, a female Doctor Who.

I recently read a few articles from 2009-10 about some rumors of how Catherine Tate or Billie Piper could have potentially been cast as the 11th Doctor instead of Matt Smith. It got me thinking, what could a female Doctor mean for Doctor Who?

What would it mean for the companions? For basically the entire series there have been female companions. And in the modern series the main companions have always been female. I mean there have been male companions, i.e. Rory, Adric, etc., but the main companions, i.e. Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, etc. have been female. If the Doctor suddenly became female, what would that mean for the companions? And say this new female Doctor goes and visits Rose, what the fuck would happen? And River? River would become a forced lesbian! And I don't think Clara would be so keen on traveling with another girl as clever as herself. I don't think it would work...

But, at the same time, it should happen. If Time Lord regeneration is really as random as they say it is, why does The Doctor always end up a human looking white male in his 20s-50s? It's going to stop becoming believable at some point for me. They need to at least change the gender. A female Doctor would be great. Catherine Tate would have made a WONDERFUL 11th Doctor, as would have Billie Piper, though it would have been awkward if the 11th Doctor went to visit Rose and they looked exactly the same, but still, it would have been cool.

I think at some point, possibly as soon as the 12th or 13th Doctor, they may have to cast a woman. It would show that Doctor Who is willing to be risky, imo, and make those kinds of decisions. But they need to cast this woman incredibly well. After the Doctor being a man for the last 1000 years, when he becomes a she it will take a lot of good acting to show him/her getting used to this.

I hope this happens at one point. It would be awesome.


  1. Doctor Who isn't really believable in the first place. I can't really imagine The Doctor as a woman...

    1. Doctor Who is believable from the in-universe perspective, in my opinion. I think a female Doctor would be awesome. I also read an article after I posted this that said Moffat is seriously thinking about making the 12th Doctor a woman!

  2. hey this actually has nothing to do with your blog post but I'm back

    1. Yay! But what do you think of the famale doctor idea?
