Thursday, September 27, 2012

Umm, no. Sorry, that's not allowed

Hello everyone! I am writing this on Tuesday September 25th. I just watched the penultimate episode of Warehouse 13's season 4.0. THEY DID SOME SHIT IN THIS EPISODE.

First off, making Artie the "evil he would have to live with for the rest of his days" was brilliant. It makes far more sense than making some random dude just hate him for changing time. So obvious yet so unexpected. BRILLIANT! Also the re-appearence of Jeri Ryan was awesome. Love to see some Star Trek people on current TV now and then. Actually, this was a twofer for Star Trek people. Brent Spiner was also there. He played Data in TNG. Anyway, that was cool. The plot of this episode was also just really good. Anyway, THEY KILLED LEENA!!! NOOOOOO! She was the most mysterious character in WH13 who needed for more development before I would have at least been slightly more okay with her being killed off. Hopefully next week (or, in your timeline, a week ago) she will be (or will have been. That's the trouble with time travel, too many weird tenses) somehow revived. Even though Leena has been there from the pilot, we still no nothing about her, or at least barely anything. THIS IS SO NOT COOL, BROS!

The bet is now gone so I can post this yay!

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