Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy 50th!

Hello again readers. Welcome to another randomness post.

So, I exist. Yay! Anyway, I'm really tired right now. I only got 4 hours of sleep last night. I'll hopefully get more sleep tonight. Also, right now my dad is nowhere to be found. He's off today, so I assumed he'd be home after school. He's not. I haven't called him to find out where he is either, but I don't think I will. It's not really much of a problem. I don't need him for anything right now, but I thought I'd mention it. OHMYNONEXISTENTGODS GUESS WHAT? IT'S THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED STATES DECIDING TO GO TO THE MOON!! That's right, Kennedy gave his famous "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things. Not because they are easy, but because they are hard!" speech 50 years ago today, on September 12th, 1962 at Rice College in Texas. 8ish years later, we did it! YAY MOON!!!!! Then the Apollo program got cancelled. Sad face. Then there was the Constellation program, which was going to be epic. It was going to be a capsule, similar to Apollo, but A LOT BIGGER and more TECHNOLOGICAL. It was to be constructed in LEO (Low Earth Orbit) and then sent TO THE MOON. Then, some years later we would have established a permanent base on the moon, a wonderful place to launch things from. The final phase of the Constellation program was to be a MANNED MISSION TO MARS, launched from the MOON. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AMAZING! Sadly, NASA's funding isn't great (it, in fact, SUCKS), so the project was scrubbed and so NASA now has no way of getting astronauts up to the International Space Station, so we use the Russians, which costs money each time they launch. Anyway, we need MORE FUNDING FOR SPACE EXPLORATION.

Rantie rant was rantful.

Anyway, I'm still tired. I hope you all enjoyed what turned out to be my Space Exploration rant.


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