Saturday, September 1, 2012

My relationship to music

First off, something completely unrelated to music: WHOA!! New Doctor Who!!!!!!! That was EPIC! Surprise debut! Jenna Louise-Coleman! Oswin Oswald! What? Okay. So many Daleks!!! CRAZY EPIC AMAZING EPISODE!! Can't give away more than that, but the end is a fucking TWIST! And it's sad, oh so very sad.

Second off, something else completely unrelated to music: Who here has heard of the game "Slender"? I have. I heard it was scary as scary can get. So, logically (at least going by human logic), I played it. It's really not that scary. I don't know if you all are on drugs or something whilst playing this game, but it's so not scary. It's just a virtual slender human without a face. Nothing more. Nothing real. You want to know what's really scary? There could be a potential type 1a supernova close enough to wipe out all life on Earth and we wouldn't even know!

Third off, the entry:

So, there's this stuff in the world. It's called music. It's a very interesting thing, this music. I'm not really sure what it does to you, but for some reason when words are said in a melody, it makes everyone have things called emotions. It's very odd. But anyway, that's all fine and dandy, but also, I now realize, not what this entry is supposed to be about. It's supposed to be about my taste in music and stuff.

So, ask yourself, what music does Jacob Block like? Then, if you can't think of anything, ask me that question. I'll answer that in two words: No clue. I have no frakking idea what music I like. It's all so random. If I hear something I like somewhere, I'll get it. But, I DO NOT actively search for music. I have legitimately gone MONTHS listening to the same music, and I'm perfectly happy. Right now, I'm loving The Gaslight Anthem. Two specific songs by them are amazing. 45 and Handwritten. I love those songs. I can't stop listening to the two of them on repeat. I'm sure it will change at one point, but that could be a long time from now. Now, something I realized I forgot to explain to you: I go through "phases" of music. I never listen to all of my music at once, only a little bit of it at a time. Like, right now I'm on The Gaslight Anthem, and I don't touch any of my other music. This could go on for a long time, I could just listen to Gaslight for three months and not touch anything else. That's how I do music. I don't understand how everyone else does music. It's weird. How can you keep it all straight? 

My friend Noah, he godsdamn motherfrakking LOVES MUSIC. I mean, if he could marry it and have sex with it, he'd have so many babies (I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for that image). He has a record player and stuff. He's just Mr. Music. No, that's a stupid name. He's the Music Man? Hahaha someone please help me here, I'm dying. Anyway, I just don't understand it. How can someone like music that much? It's not that exciting. You want to know what's exciting? Motherfucking stars, that's what. Giant balls of thermonuclear fusion that create all of the elements in the universe, and ultimately create us. We come from star stuff! Now that's just EPIC. Music...well, music isn't. It's a fun thing to do when you're bored, but I don't see much else in it. Now, you can say I'm not a real human because of this, and I say thank you. If I'm secretly an alien, then that's just pure awesome. I hope that's isn't though, sadly. I just don't like music that much. That's just the kind of person I am.

Deal with it.

P.S. Five entries in one day? Epic. I have no life. Even though today I was with friends. I guess I have no life even when I do. I'm THAT confusing.


  1. HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE MUSIC!!!?????????????? I have a record player too, by the way. It is AWESOME.

  2. 1. ew doctor who with matt smith.
    3. You just found 9gag AHAHAH

    1. 1. It's still good
      2. You're on drugs I guess
      3. It's so funny
      4. I'm THAT magical, and an alien. Mostly because I'm an alien.
