Hey readers. Welcome to the followup from my other post today. I think this could become a TOPIC. :O whoa. Here goes:
So, as you know, today I was at Kennywood (the amusement park in Pittsburgh) with my friends Sarah and Aki from middle school (Aki goes to my school now too) (yes Aki I'm starting this in a similar way you started yours). Sarah doesn't like rides, and at the beginning of today I didn't either. So, I wasn't sure what to really expect out of today in the way of rides (I WAS DEFINITELY NOT EXPECTING WHAT HAPPENED TO HAVE HAPPENED).
I guess a part of me felt bad because I knew Aki likes rides, and I knew if I wasn't going to go on any, she probably wouldn't have either, since Sarah and I would have just sat there while she went alone. I didn't want her to waste a whole visit to Kennywood just sitting with Sarah and me watching all the beautiful and wonderful rides pass her by. So, I decided to be *whoa* brave. I did this in a very odd way: by NOT taking drugs.
For those of you who don't know, I have ADD. That is Attention Deficit Dissorder. I take medications for this every morning. They have side effects (mostly good ones, especially for school), they make me not hungry, and they make me think a lot more. So, by not taking them today, I was able to enjoy food with my friends at Kennywood, and not think too much whilst in lines of the "scary" rides. Though, I did think, just not about dying or stuff. I thought about EVERYTHING. Literally, everything. I just basically babbled the whole time we were in line for the Phantom's Revenge (biggest ride at Kennywood) about anything that was on my mind. Blogs, Doctor Who, Joe and Aki (lolz), me and my crush whose name I don't want to say in case she (or someone else who knows her) somehow reads this, Lizzie Bennet, Sherlock, Psych, Noah and Erika, school, etc. Surprisingly, I don't think I babbled about speech class, which is quite surprising. The babbling was to kind of calm myself down, but it had the unfortunate side effect of driving Aki INSANE. I'M SO SORRY AKI!!!!
The first "ride" we went on was the carousel. That obviously wasn't scary for me, and I really only did it because Aki and Sarah wanted to. Then, next, was "The Racer." Sarah didn't go on this one. And, really, the only reason I went on it (and, in turn, the only reason I went on ANY rides today) was because I went on the racer (and, now that I think about it, the thunderbolt too) when I was in third grade, and I really liked them. I was with a very persuasive friend then too, his name was Billy Hoge, and somehow he managed to get me to go on rides. Similar to how Aki managed to get me to go on rides today. Anyway, the racer was really fun. But, I was really scared whilst in line (even though the line wasn't really that long). When we finally got on and got moving, I was just like "well, this will be interesting." Then, the butterflies (in my stomach, there were not random butterflies on the racer) showed up. For the first ride, they basically stayed in my stomach the whole time. But, after the first ride was over (OUR CAR WON), I wanted to go again. And we did. The second time the butterflies didn't stay as long. But they were definitely there. Then we got food. Specifically, fries. The Potato Patch has some of the best fries ever. Even when your low blood pressurey friend COVERS them with a crap ton of salt.
The next ride was "The Thunderbolt." That ride was more intense than the racer. A lot more intense. The butterflies were there a lot, but surprisingly less than the second time of racer. That ride was awesome. The thunderbolt is apparently unique for the fact that there is no climb in the beginning before its first drop. You just go forward...and then DOWN. It's pretty fun, but I was very scared in the line, and annoyed Aki with my babbling and questions like "Why am I doing this?" and statements like "I'm going to die." But, of course, I ended up LOVING it. We then went to do other things. Specifically, a SMALL ride called "The Turtle" which is basically little tiny car thingies going around in a circle. It was interesting. I used to love that ride when I was younger and didn't like big rides. But compared to the Thunderbolt, it was WEAK. Lots of inertia though. Then we went on the bumper cars, those were fun. We then went to get ice cream. It was omnomnom.
Then came the decision. We were going to go on a ride called "The Exterminator" but I wasn't sure about it, because it was inside and apparently a different kind of ride. So, Aki started to walk towards the entrance of "The Phantom's Revenge" and I just followed her. She apparently didn't expect that to work, but it did. We waited in line for about a half hour. Sarah was there for the first 10ish minutes. But, since part of the line is on a bridge, and Sarah doesn't like heights, she just left. The rest of the line was me babbling to Aki and asking questions like "Why am I doing this?" and saying things like "I'm going to die" and generally annoying the crap out of her (SORRY AKI). But, near the front, she uttered words that calmed me down a surprising amount: Everything we want in life is right outside our comfort zone (also the title of her entry for today, which also happens to be about a similar topic, so there's a link to it). The climb for the Phantom is REALLY LONG, and I ended up making Aki hold my hand (YES I AM A WHIMP GET AT ME BROS). Then, the ride began....and it was WONDEROUS. I loved it. IT WAS AWESOME. Then we went off to do other things, like get food. WE WAITED IN LINE AT THE POTATO PATCH FOR ALMOST AN HOUR. THAT SUCKED. We saw another middle school friend of ours, Meredith Tipper. That was interesting. It was awkward for me, because I am an awkward person in general. Then, Aki and I went on the Phantom again. THE BUTTERFLIES WERE BARELY THERE THAT TIME. It signified that I had basically mastered the art of roller coastering. I didn't even babble in the line. So, the Phantom is my new favorite coaster. Then, Aki and I went on "The Swing Shot" which is just a giant swing, so that was pretty fun. Then we went home.
So, today, I discovered roller coasters. Those things are addicting. They are kind of like drugs. I hate that I didn't discovered them earlier. Today was the last day Kennywood was open for the year. Except for fright night, which I am considering making my friends go to if The Phantom is open, so I can get Noah to go on it. BUT SERIOUSLY, ROLLER COASTERS ARE LIKE DRUGS IN THEIR ADDICTINGNESS. I loved them! Thank you Aki for making me do them! IT WAS AWESOME.
P.S. I'm sitting here on my couch, and when I sit VERY STILL, I actually feel like I'm on the falling part of a roller coaster...it's actually awesome. (HAHAHA IT'S KIND OF LIKE ACID FLASHBACKS...to continue the drug analogy).
P.P.S. Watching the virtual star party right now. Yay! NICOLE IS DRINKING FROM A TARDIS MUG. Swag...
thug life with Billy Hoge