So here's a list of random things I thought/had realizations about/whatever today:
1. If the guy I liked was gay, I actually may be able to get the courage to ask him out. Sadly he's not.
2. I am the most spastic dancer in the universe
3. I am the most awkward texter in the universe
4. I spend a shit ton of time on tumblr
5. I had a conversation about how the creation of life could have been sped up by catalysts in clay crystals.
6. I talked a lot about science today
7. I need to apologize to someone very soon
8. Certain people are douchebags and I question how I managed to be friends with them for 8 years.
9. I realized that I am going to be 18 in a year and a half. Wut
10. People in general just suck
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