So today was my first day of finals. At WT, we have 3 days of exams, with two exams each day. Today was history and spanish.
History was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I got most of the fill in the blanks, but I BSed some of them. I thought I did really well on the short essays, but I looked over at Erika's and saw like 4 paragraphs for each while I had like barely 2...fuck
Spanish was bad. I hate Spanish. Writing essays in spanish is not fun. Especially when you have to write three essays, each with AT LEAST 3 paragraphs, in 2 hours, about stories that were very stupid.
I used to like Spanish. I used to like it a lot. I'm not entirely sure what happened either. In 6th-8th grade I was a FUCKING BOSS at Spanish, but when I got to WT I just died. I don't know why, but I did. I started in Spanish 2, and probably should have stayed there, but my mom decided "No I'm going to make your Spanish teacher put you in Spanish 3." So, I went to Spanish 3...and it started out okay, but by the end I had a strong dislike for the Spanish language that I still harbor with me today. I would have not taken it this year, but I didn't really have a class to replace it with. I could have taken AP Stats or something, but I didn't really want to yet. Right now I'm wishing that I had done that. I did horribly on that final, and since I only have an 80% in the class (the grade is bullshit though, it is based off a few 100%s on homework, with one 0% when I forgot my book, 1 test which I got an 80% on, a quiz which I got a 74% on because I forgot we had to study half the vocab, and a bunch of participation grades which I got 80%s on because I don't talk in class....fuck). Now I'm going to have like a C (or worse) for the trimester and my mom will ACTUALLY kill me. I'm 99% sure I will not be taking AP Spanish next year. I'm so sorry Aki (and Alberto, but you will never read this so it's all good). I'm done with that class though. We don't learn anything and I hate the language. I used to be good but now I'm not, and I don't want to continue to hurt my GPA unnecessarily. I want to start to focus the classes I take on science and math. I know right now that I need to put a lot more effort into precalc, and once I do that I will undoubtedly succeed. If and when I do succeed, I will move on to calculus, which is going to be a challenge that I want to take on, and I don't want to have Spanish sitting there eating my brain. I only have 2 trimesters of it left, but they are going to be absolutely suckish. Once I'm done with it I will be very happy. AP stats shouldn't be too much of a problem. Statistics sounds like an interesting math, especially because it's math with a real application, which should be interesting to do. I'm not sure how my mom will react to me not taking Spanish, but I thought she'd get mad when I didn't do Jazz Band this year, but she didn't. I don't know how I'm going to finish out this year of Spanish, but I'm pretty sure I won't do it well. Wish me luck, and I'll talk to you all tomorrow after finals. I have English (not nervous at all for) and math (pretty nervous for but no where near as nervous as I was for my history and spanish finals today). Then wednesday is CHEM!! Yay!