Sunday, October 21, 2012

2 days without posting...

First off, Erika's friend Alex just made this picture of a PENGUANDACORN (!!!!!) in Photoshop:


Now to the main entry:

I think the world might be ending, this is the LONGEST I've ever gone without posting. Anyway, this weekend was rather busy. It was awesome because I had a social life, but weird because I had a social life.

To start off, on friday I hung out with Amy, my mom's best friend and my old drum teacher who was the person watching me this weekend while both my parents were out of town. We left the house around 2ish after Amy had finished writing her book (Yay!!), which she has been trying to finish for the past year and a half or so. We then went to Klavon's, which is a vintage ice cream parlor in the strip district. It was SO COOL (no pun intended). I got "Martha's All Chocolate Sundae" which was chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce, chocolate whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and hot fudge. It was the awesomest sundae I've ever had. Then, we did some errands and went back to her studio, where she taught for two hours and I hung out with my computer. For dinner we went to Dee's,  and then we went back to her print out her book so she could proofread it before sending it to her publisher. Then we went home and I finished my chem lab with Noah and Erika. So that was my friday, it was full of stuff.
Then came Saturday, the day in which I was barely at home. To start the day, I had PSATs at 8, and had to be at school around like 7:45ish. So I did those and they were annoying. They ended around 11:30ish or something and then Noah, Erika, Rohun, and I went to Walnut St. to get Rohun food, and then we went back to Noah's. We stayed at Noah's for a long time. We played Wii, and made brownies (which ended up being more like warm brownie soup than actual brownies, but they were still yummy). Noah's brother Ellis was being a real douchebag most of the time. I understand that he was bored and wanted to be with us, but even after we hung out with him for a bit and we wanted some friend time to ourselves, he wouldn't leave us alone and when we all got mad at him he called Noah's parents and said we were being really mean to him. So now, as far as I understand it, Noah isn't allowed to have friends over unless we can get along with Ellis. Around 6:45ish we went to fright night! We got in around 7:15ish and then we went straight to the phantom. It was Noah's first ride on the Phantom he was very scared. He ended up hurting his neck on it and not going on any more rides. Then Erika remembered why she had never come to fright night after the last time she was there: she hates being scared. After we got food (which was right after the phantom) her and Noah decided that they would stay by the fountain all night. Rohun and I went off to go ride some other things, even though we only ended up riding the sky rocket. We also got dip'n'dots, so that was good. Then we went back to them and they hadn't really moved all that much. Then we tried to go on the exterminator but the line was moving SUPER slow (as in we were there for like 40 minutes and we moved like 2 feet with a lot left to go), so we got out. We went back to Noah and Erika, I got something to drink, and then we left. So, all in all, fright night kinda failed, though I did get Noah on the phantom. We're all going to go back to Kennywood next summer and have a time where no one is scared (except maybe Noah) and we all just have fun.
Lastly was today, in which I woke up at 12 and left around 1:30. I went to Jon's to build a new rocket. It was pretty fun. We ended up actually launching some "rockets." When I say rockets, I mean motors. We actually cut tiny fins, made a tiny nose cone, and actually launched the motor. Two motors actually. An A-level motor, and a C-level motor. Jon got in trouble for the C-level one because it was a bit too powerful to be launching in his yard. But it was really fun, so it was worth it (at least for me since I was not the one getting in trouble :P). We also made progress on the real rockets, too. So that was good.

Anyway, that was my busy weekend. It was full of social lives and stuff, so it was cool. Oh, and here's a picture of the mini-rocket Jon and I made:

This is the A-level one. I didn't really get any good pictures of the C-level one, but it looked pretty much the same, only bigger.

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